Working From Home: What We Can Learn From Coworking

While the entire French population has now been in confinement for almost a month, many of us find ourselves in a new workspace with new colleagues who can be like your spouse, your children or even your pets. We are finally starting to get used to this new environment as well as new routines, many of us are learning from our usual workplace in order to create some sort of normalcy.

If our homes don’t provide yoga space, fridges with free beers, and themed quiz nights, coworking spaces certainly have a lot to offer when it comes to reflecting the work day at home. Nor in the form of creativity, which is a key part of everyday working life.

How can we ensure that our creativity continues to express itself when it comes to working in a new environment? The answer lies in the space in which we find ourselves. Just as a diverse work environment can foster the emergence of new ideas, applying this rule to the home office has huge benefits. We may not all be lucky enough to be around other people when we are working from home, but involving them in creating ideas can often help us think outside the box and be more creative than we are not used to it.

Whether or not you have an office companion to share your home office with, creative discovery becomes increasingly important when you are confined to a small space. Getting educated or inspired by topics and ideas that are trending on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social channels is a way to give yourself some social interaction that you might have usually had through interaction. face to face during a normal working day.

Social interaction, so important in a shared workspace, is certainly not to be overlooked when working from home. We are spoiled for choice when it comes to keeping in touch with our colleagues, clients and new business friends. Whether you choose to express yourself via email, through Microsoft Teams, Skype Business, Zoom, HouseParty, WhatsApp, or dare we suggest it, the good old phone, there are tons of ways to make sure you exchange ideas and keep in touch creatively with your colleagues and clients.

With working from home becoming the new normal for the immediate future, there has never been a more important time to keep creativity in mind. Learning from these coworking spaces will be paramount to creating a healthy and productive home office, not to mention relaxing with a drink in a (not so free) bar on a Friday afternoon.